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Kyoto University Microstructural Characterization Platform Usage guide

Usage guide

Utilization procedure is as follows.

  1. Technical consultation・meeting
    At first, please let us know your contact information and rough purpose of use to nanoplat @ eels.kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp. Then, we will send you a formal application form.
    Please fill in the application form after consultation with our support staff whether the use of this platform is suitable.
  2. Utilization application・Utilization judging
    After the submission of the application form, we will judge your application and then inform you about the result. Depending on the application contents, we might refuse your use.
  3. Technical support
    We determine the support form, duration, content of equipment use and technological agency on the basis of the consultation between user and supporting staff.
  4. Submission of utilization report
    User must submit utilization report at the end of the fiscal year. (If necessary, user can postpone the report to open to the public for two years)
    ⇒ Format of utilization report (NIMS)

Support utilization form

Kyoto University Microstructural Characterization Platform offers the following utilization form depending on user's needs.

Equipment use:
Technical support to users who are experts of the equipment operation. The users operate the equipment and get experimental data on their own.
Technical assistance:
Users operate the equipment and get experimental data with the guidance of the operation by supporting staff.
Technical agency:
Supporting staff operate the equipment and get experimental data instead of users.
Joint research:
Results open type joint research by users and supporting staff
Technical consultation:
Supporting staff gives professional advices for the technical consultation from users.

Usage rules

Research results obtained through the support of "nanotechnology platform program" should be in principle opened to the public.
Users must submit utilization report at the end of the fiscal year. However, if necessary for patent application and paper submission, users can postpone to open the report to the public of for two years.
And users need to agree to the following internal regulations.


This facility has a confidentiality obligation regarding technical information known on business which is explicitly manifested as user's secret in document. (including technical information which is manifested as user's secret in oral and immediately in document at the time of disclosure; Hereinafter referred to as "confidential information")

It is not the case when the confidential information is applicable to the following provisions, or is disclosed under limitation necessary for the disclosure based on the applicable laws or instructions or orders by government office.

  1. Information which is already had by ourselves, when receiving the disclosure from the user.
  2. Information that was already public or official, when receiving the disclosure from the user.
  3. Information that becomes public or official regardless of our responsibility, after receiving the disclosure from the user.
  4. Information that was legally obtained from a third party with a legitimate authority without the confidentiality obligation.
  5. Information that the user has accepted the disclosure by document beforehand.

Confidentiality of user mutual is left to the management of the user's own. We do not take responsibility.

Safety and health

When handling the chemicals in those facilities, users must follow the relevant control regulations of Kyoto University.
It is principally prohibited that the users bring chemicals. If necessary, take counsel with us. However, when it is estimated that there is a risk about contamination of the equipment due to the chemical you would like to use, its use might be prohibited or restricted.
From the point of view of labor health and safety, possession of appropriate qualifications and attendance of appropriate training course may be subject to the use of the equipment of this facility.
Please join to the appropriate insurance in preparation of the accident during the use of this facility.
